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Lake Assocation Mission Statement


The Lake George Lake Association is dedicated to preserving and enhancing the quality of Lake George. Through weed and lilly pad management efforts, we continue to keep our Lake healthy. We communicate through newsletters, emails, internet site and general meetings. The Board of Directors meets monthly through the season (May to September). Directors are available the entire year.


Lake George History                from the Bicenteniel booklet  in 1962


Early residents of the town realized the beauty of the “Big Pond” or Moulton Pond” as it was known in early history. It is said that one of the first settlers standing on the Old Burying Ground hill and looking off at the lake called it a beautiful sapphire set in a ring of emeralds.


Some dwellings were erected near the shores of the lake. In fact, Gardners’ Hiistory tells us that the first log cabin, the home of John Moulton, stood on the west side of the lake probably near where the Marchman’s place is today (1962). Early residents lived quite a ways apart and it was not until the advent of the automobile that there were many houses built. As the transportation became more convenient, Mr. Harry Royce decided people from other communities might enjoy the beauty of the lake, so erected the first cottage which he called “Wileban”.


Rev. Harland p. Smith built a long building on the west side of the lake for a Christian Endeavor camp. This was later sold and used as a dance hall. It was finally divided and made into two cottages. He called the pond, Lake Florence in honor of his oldest daughter.


George A. Needham, one of the town’s best friends, realized how much more lovely the lake could be if it was kept at a more even level instead of being drawn off by the mills in the lower part of town. So in 1914, he paid for a new dam with a gate which could be raised and lowered when necessary. This served to keep the water always at the same level and added much to its beauty. In honor of Mr. Needham, who also completely renovated the Town Hall in 1925, the lake was named Lake George.


After the first World Warm Heck’s Beach began to be quite an attraction as a place for pinics and swimming. Lunch could be bought there and there was an occasional band concert or special music. This operated until 1957.

Lake George became more and more popular and at the present time (1962), the summer population more than triples the folk here in the winter.


History of the Association


In 1992, the Lake Association was only cutting weeds with a harvester in selected locations (like mowing a lawn).  The Town was not contributing any resources.  In the mid 1990’s the Lake Association (LA) and Town agreed to apply for a $10,000.00 grant with the LA funding $2,500, the Town funding $2,500 and the State grant funding $5,000.  Town Meeting established the Lake Study Committee to monitor the Lake and report to the Selectmen recommendations to help the Lake.  The seven (7) member Town Committee was approved by Town Meeting to report to the selectmen and recommend Lake actions.  The committee was to be six Town residents and one non-resident property owner (the LA representative).

With the grant we supplied lake information to the school kids, studied the lake and applied for licenses to draw down the lake in the winter and treat weeds and Lilly Pads.  Twenty owners applied for a Hydro Raking licenses which was approved.  Over the last ten years Town Meeting has approved annually $3,000 matching funds for weed control. In 2014 due to a large fish kill (natural) in 2013 the Town and Lake Association

agreed not to treat the weeds in 2014 to see the effect.  In 2014 the weeds and pads started to choke the Lake.


Millennium Account

The Millennium Account was established in 2000 to allow people to direct their donation to only be used to keep the lake healthy (treat weeds).  Membership funds can be used for weed control or other expenses like mailing, website fees, State fees, matching funds for grants and authorized expenditures by the Board of Directors.  Two years ago the Directors voted to pay $100.00 per beaver removed from the lake by a licensed person and certified by a property owner.  


President:           Bill Terry                 385 Turkey Hill Road, Belchertown, MA 01007 (413) 245-1032 or (413) 323-5790 cell
Vice President:    Bob Baker               20 Exeter Street, West Springfield, MA 01089 (413) 734-3225

Treasurer:           Judy McKain            P.O. Box 612, Wales, MA 01081

Secretary:           Kathy Andre            11 Grove Point Road. Wales, MA 01081  (508) 654-5996


David Hamel                                     P.O. Box 41, Wales, MA 01081 (413) 519-0722

Sam Florida (Former President)           989 Baldwin Street, Waterbury, CT. 06706 (203) 756-8114

Jack Leveillee (Former President)        50 Ceder Lane, Scotia, NY 12302 (518) 429-8443

Stan Abamczgk, Lakeland Beach Club   P.O. Box 801, Wales, MA 01081 (413) 374-0661

Dick Pisciotta                                   77 Stafford Road, Wales 01081 (413) 245-9342

Bob Reidy                                        11 Grove Point Road, Wales, MA 01081 (781) 552-17O8 or

Thom Dearborn                                 123 Denwall Dr. Springfield, MA 01119 (413) 782-8255





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